quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2007

Mr. Angry

THE muesli munchers who run our town halls turn my stomach - and soon they'll be turning yours too.Thanks to the latest piece of misguided lunacy from the green gestapo, our streets will be strewth with filth and squalor on a scale not seen since pre-Victorian days.By switching to fortnightly rubbish collections in order to pay for recycling, UK councils are trying to fight climate change on the cheap - and it makes me angry.
The new system is a clear and present danger to public health and council chiefs should face manslaughter charges if a child or OAP dies of listeria as a result.
It shows how little our councils REALLY care about the environment, it's just another excuse to cut corners and fleece us with spot fines for putting out rubbish on the wrong day.
That's why today I'm launching a campaign to Bring Back Our Binmen. What do you think?

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